Thursday, July 29, 2010

Analysis of JAMES CAMERON’S “AVATAR” Part 2. PANDORA. : "The New World Order "WELCOME TO PANDORA'S OPEN BOX "-The Return of the Nephilim"

Analysis of JAMES CAMERON’S “AVATAR” Part 2.
Satan Plays the "Genetic Avatar Card"

The Illuminati Open Pandora's Box(!)
Part 2: Analysis of James Cameron's satanic Illuminati Movie “Avatar”
Reposted by request..

Welcome to the Nightmare of Ages Past...Welcome to the Return of the Nephilim, or genetically modified host humanoid abominations.

You will soon begin to discover to your absolute horror, that the movie “Avatar” doesn’t end when the screen credits roll up, oh no..Ya see, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Movie “Avatar” just begins when you step outside the movie theatre.

The movie Avatar follows you home, right into your living room, and then it just gets more surreal..
There is a saying, be careful what you wish for, or search for, because you just might find it. Well..just hold on to your seats, because it’s going to get faster from here on out, and I have a lot of ground we need to cover before we go searching for the following targets of interest.
As a Hacker, working with various alphabet soup organizations over the years, I have seen alot of what could be termed "strange shit"...Personally, I’ve probably seen more strange things in six months, than most people have actually seen in a lifetime, and let me tell you, those people are the lucky ones LOL
This is AHM, and we verify all collected data ourselves, because we can, it’s just that simple. 

Pandora's box is the blending of different species on the genetic level prompting the eventual genetic contamination of God`s Earthly Creations..
The verified Illuminati Satanist cult member, James Cameron, has actually named the Central Planet in his Movie AVATAR "PANDORA" -Which everyone knows by "Legend" that once it is opened, it cannot be closed again.
This is a very creepy Illuminati inspired symbolic message.
-It means that whatever course of action they (Illuminati) have started cannot be "undone"
What I’m serving up here is a tall cold glass of the "truth" -Hard, raw, researched, verified, cross verified, analyzed, and scrutinized by people who don’t wear tin foil hats, but just happened to have neutralized the organization known as “NAMBLA” in a 10 year war campaign that has saved the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of your children..
In other words, this is getting to the really “good part"..
Those who have followed my work over the years know that I just ‘spit it’ like it is.
So if there is something to say, I’m just going to come right out and say it..
This is how I like to run our business, and for the most part we have been successful in fighting our various war campaigns..
Now it's time to share these “Truths” with all the remaining "true HUMANS"concerned..
-Take a small look inside Pandora's Box, and see what these creatures are producing...
The Movie Avatar is celebrating a breakthrough in opening Pandora's genetic Box..
-So I’m giving the reader fair and advanced warning right now, because what I am going to put together for you here is going to require critical reasoning abilities, but I’m going to put this deeper analysis into a clear picture for all you cuddly sheeple, because all
-->people, as in the remaining "real" HUMANS amongst us, have the right to know about any significant changes, discoveries, and or anomalies associated with the continuation of the gene pool we refer to as the Human species.
WARNING: The information contained on this site will shake the core of all your belief systems. If you are prepared to watch and read it, do so with extreme caution. You and the world will never be the same again as history itself collapses before your eyes.
Examine this for yourselves:
There is something funny going on over at a News Station called "FOX Television Networks" -It seems they have problems with some of their shape shifting lizard-like "Avatars"

LOOK AT THIS CREATURE(!) Although no fault of its own, it still represents a grave danger to everything we stand for as Humans. We got the jump on this situation only until they announce "Disclosure"
-Afterwards they will kick the propaganda machine into overdrive to mold public perception into what they want them to believe, which is that "benevolent space brothers" have travelled all the way to earth to save mankind from himself...a great deception...OPEN YOUR EYES
These Human/Animal blended DNA abominations are already here..
For all intents and purposes, these AVATARS are amongst us today(!)
The "creature" in the above video had to RUN off camera once the field maintaining his human form started to break down, showing his true reptoid features. Just incredible..

I have just watched a man(?) shift into what can only be described as a really ugly LIZARD..which talked, rolled its eyes back in its head, turned green at the neck, grew a snout(!) where its nose used to be, or should have been, then run away like a little bitch when it realized its deception was no longer holding water.
I mean wow..look at what they've done(!)
These creatures are unacceptable abominations which God will eliminate from our gene pool one way or the other.

It's a sad day when you fully understand the implications involved in what you have just witnessed.

There are verified genetic Human-Animal blended abominations roaming our earth, several of which are employed(!) at news stations..the military, and God knows where else.

I mean, this Lizard seems like a friendly reptile, albeit a cowardly creature.. -which should be put down like a sick animal before it contaminates the gene pool of Humanity, and that's just a sad hard fact..

That will be up to the Lord to discern, since this scourge is simply uncontrollable now

And if those days had not been cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the elect those days shall be cut short.
Matthew 24:22
This is the situation the Illuminati have created for our world...

Lizard man just owned himself on a live tel-evil-sion camera, yet the mainstream news has not picked up on this obvious news story of the century. They are obviously part of it in some capacity.

Every 'Laddy'-Gaga-Fan and their mom will believe that these lizard abominations are our "Space Brethren" come to give us new technology, and warn of us of a bogus "Alien attack"
This present world society is being blinded to these truths..

They are of the "JUST DANCE! generation" that is being heavily manipulated and brainwashed through satanic based music, culture, and the dummying-down of society through garbage food, garbage news, garbage music, garbage public education system, and garbage political leadership.

-But the most important weapon Humans have against the coming disasters is being slowly but surely eliminated, which is the knowledge of the Lord, and His Son Christ Jesus.
-Without this protection, mankind will be destroyed, and continue to fall into the trap being placed before them.
Oh yes, this is not an accident, as they would have you believe.

This was just a small demonstration if you will, of what we really have lurking amongst us in our society today.
Notice how the abomination in the above video had to run off camera once (IT) realized the "Shapeshift had begun??
This was done on purpose.These people have been exposed.

Check this out: This "creature" used to be the head of the Dept of Deutschland Security, Michael Chertoff.
Mr. Chertoff seems to be having the same problems with these reptile features as well.

Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security Secretary 2005 - 2009

There are Lizard like shapeshifting creatures...Man-Made DNA modified abominations masquerading around as humans in very important positons it seems. This is not an accident, there is a significant movement going on here. We are not being kept informed as to what is really going on here, but it is becoming more and more obvious to the casual observer that these abominations exist, and we are getting closer to some sort of official acknowledgement from the Government.
This coming acknowledgement, and "false claim" of extra-terrestrial life has already been coined: "DISCLOSURE"
They are gearing up to tell the general public that we are not alone in the Universe. They will try to convince mankind that these Lizard abominations are from the far reaches of outer space...our "Space Brothers" Pfft..
-Except that will be one of the greatest deceptions of all time, since they are really just genetically modified Human-Animal DNA created abominations, which were made right here on Earth for years in vast Government run underground facilites..

What you have just witnessed, was a real-life shapeshifting abomination of a Man with Reptoid DNA merged into his system at the genetic level. These abominations are amongst us today(!)
The movie "AVATAR" was acting almost like a giant T.V. commercial of sorts to eventually introduce the existence of these cross genetic "Alien like creatures" to our society in the form of what they term "DISCLOSURE"

It will be a false report of " Alien Life" here to save us from ourselves, or something to that effect.
-A complete and utter deception of massive proportions is coming, and people had better wake up.
What you have just witnessed, if you have read this report since Part 1. of this study, was the real life XO-GENESIS of James Cameron's satanic Avatar vision.
We can say these creatures exist, and that they are dwelling amongst us today in some capacity of another. Are they also breeding with unaffected "Humans" and contaminating the main pool?
-This is Humanity's 6.5 billion dollar question, isn't it?
I mean wow..If this breeding has begun, then the countdown is truly on..
James Cameron named the Planet in his movie "PANDORA" and now we know why, because once these transgenic nitemares are out of the box, and into our gene pool, it's OVER.

These people know there will be no way to put this Genie back in the box, especially if they have been released into our society, and are performing jobs, mating, breeding, living "Human" lives etc...

This disclosure when it comes is designed to spread widespread panic, as it will amongst the uninformed masses..think about it..

The Illuminati will use this panic stage to implement even further restrictive "security laws" among the population to further tighten the prison grid closing in around the world at this very moment.
In order to contain this scourge, every single one of these abominations would have to be contained, but since these so called "scientists" are practicing this all over the world in underground secret labs, we get what is called "The Pandora effect"
-This cross genetic scourge cannot be contained sufficiently to eradicate the threat of core Human gene pool contamination.

We would have had to immediately destroy these soulless abominations before they were allowed to possibly breed and then contaminate our Human gene pool. It's too late for that now..
-Now only God can do that..Pandora's box has been opened..
The Illuminati synthesis or solution to their "created alien" will be one of containment.

The Illuminati plan will naturally be one of containment.
-In order to actually prevent the contamination of the original Human gene pool the Illuminati will initiate further draconian "security laws upon the Public.

The Public would theoretically be expected by their "Illuminati puppet masters" to locate and verifiy ALL Humans as to their "authenticity" which of course would require micro-chipping and DNA sampling..

Do you see where this is headed here? Do you see where this is going here?
They are planning to use the "Aliens amongst us" deception to tighten the reign of tyranny upon the General population, just in case you thought the patriot act was bad...everyone will be considered a potential terrorist soon enough...
Think ahead. We already know these creatures are amongst us. They are here for a reason. It is part of their (Illuminati) agenda, and that is the enslavement of the entire planet, by World War, and or famine.
Disclosure is coming, it is now just a question of WHEN. Don't let them deceive you. The only aliens that exist are the ones in power trying to enslave our world under a One World satanic Dictatorship called the 'New World Order'
Complete with bogus "alien encounters, and high tech wizardry to fool the sheeple once again, just as they did with the bogus Apollo moon landings *Looking down at feet shaking head*
ALERT! Two Genetic Abominations Talking about Placing Microchips on TROOPS(!)

Now if this isn't scary I don't know what is.

Since when do these "Lizard shapeshifters" have such concern over the locations of fighting men and women that are supposed to be protecting the country from such an infestation??
-The very infestation of this genetic technology gone wild..They are preparing for something big..
This is what I mean about people sleeping, and being asleep while these things are running loose threatening to CONTAMINATE our central gene pool..
These last two abominations had something very peculiar in common, they were both involved in discussions pertaining to the microchipping of Soldiers on the battlefield.
In our world, a move like that would be considered an infiltration by enemy forces.
These creatures are both part of "News" stations promoting the microchipping of TROOPS(!)
As a soldier I would be very interested to know why "soulless creatures" are concerned about my Location on the battlefield. This is INCREDIBLE..can you imagine?
It sounds like a grocery store tabloid magazine heading.. -But under these circumstances it's just not that funny..
This is the biggest threat to global security since the development of nuclear weapons.
Alien Hybrid Chimerian shapeshifters were lobbying for microchipping troops..can you IMAGINE?
If asked to accept a suicidal tracking chip, I would first like to see Brian Todd's chip and DNA test myself..or maybe the other Lizard's chip implant for tracking.

Here is the original video tape from the CNN transcript..

This is proof that these creatures are part of an organized propaganda campaign

These creatures are amongst us, and we had better acknowledge that fact before it suddenly springs upon us.
If this were allowed to continue, it wouldn't be long before the entire Human species is corrupted, and no flesh would survive such contamination on the genetic level..natural bio reproduction would eventually wither away until nothing at all reproduced, but don't tell that to these scientists..they are too busy playing god to notice..
BTW..I hope everyone has had a good Holiday let's get back to the work at hand :)
Digging for the remains of the ancient demonic Hybrid giants called the Nephilim.
“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. “For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,”
Matt. 24:37-38

The effect of man’s sexual immorality was staggering since it altered the race. The offspring of this union between human females and the fallen angelic beings were physical giants. These children were not fully human. They grew enormous in stature with great intellects and were called “men of renown.”

This cohabitation between humans and the spiritual beings was not isolated to a few individuals but became widespread throughout the earth. (Link)

The Illuminati have brought these abominations back, and this is the Pandora they have opened on this earth.
This search for TRUTH has led us, and those with the courage to follow us, to where we find ourselves today..examining a Movie, of all things...go figure.
-How ironic..from tracking rogue shadow-government child rapists, to quickly running reviews on some satanic movie.. but like I've said before, 'I don't make the rules, I just follow the tracks..
Dr. Scott Johnson discusses Animal/Human DNA blended abominations being "created" in disguise of "science"
X-tra-Intelligent lizard-like Human/Animal Chimeras may want to form their very own Constitution, and demand their very own Health Coverage.. with benefits.
These man made lizard abominations may even demand that we Humans release all pet reptiles, as a 'Civil Rights' issue.. -rikijo 2010
This is part 2 of a seven part dissection with Part 7 in progress..See the entire dissection:

Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
Part 6.

Work always in progress..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Things are starting to escalate, now that these things are being exposed they are going to be on the offensive. If you have the means please make provisions so that you will survive the conflict that will take place in the near future, these things won't go down with out a fight but they won't win, this infection will end with this planet I'll give you my personal guarantee.